How do we recycle correctly?

Sorting our garbage for recycling can be confusing. With so many types of materials, and bins in different colors, who on earth can remember what goes where? For all of you overwhelmed recyclers out there, we are going to explain what’s what.

Let’s sort out this mess:

What goes into the orange bin?

Plastic packages

Food packages, such as:

dairy products, vegetables, rice, pasta, condiments, snacks, and more

Cleaning products packages, such as:

sprays, detergents, laundry detergents and more

Hygiene and beauty packages, such as:

cosmetics, shampoo, wipes, lotions, and more

Plastic bags

Metal packages

Canned goods, like:

food preserves and pet food

Cleaning and hygiene packages, like:

deodorants, insect sprays, and more

Baby food packages


milk and milk substitutes

Cartons for soft drinks, juices

Cream cartons and other dairy products

Styrofoam packages

Meat, vegetables, and electrical packages

*It is very important to remember to empty the packages completely before disposing of them!

Daddy knows all types of packages
and will be happy to answer any additional questions.

What goes into every bin?

Purple Container

Glass packages

Blue Container

Paper and soft cardboard

Green Container

General waste

Carton Recycling Container


Michzurit (Recycling Container)

For Plastic Packaging

Carton Recycling Container


Michzurit (Recycling Container)

For Plastic Packaging

Green Container

General waste
Types of
Orange Containers
Why recycle at all?

How to do it at home?

Sorting packages requires some preparation and reorganization, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Come and read some ideas and tips about how to recycle correctly without the mess.
  • In Orit’s kitchen in Be’er-Sheva, there are two bags for sorting the recycling in the cabinet under the sink.
  • Alona from Kfar Vitkin is using small sorting bins in her yard.
Orange Containers in Israel
Residents who have an orange container outside their home
Weight of packages collected (tons)

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All rights are reserved to TAMIR, Manufacturers Recycling Corporation in Israel Ltd. (Public Benefit Corporation)
What goes into the purple bin?
Glass packaging like:
  • Olive oil bottles
  • Perfume bottles
  • Coffee jars
  • Jam and honey jars
It’s important that the bottles and jars are empty and without lids.
What goes into the green bin?

:General waste (not packages), like
Disposable utensils
Broken toys and objects
Hygiene products
What should go into the Michzurit (recycling container)??
Plastic packaging for cleaning products and beauty products For example, bleach, laundry detergent, shampoo, and more...
* Only for local municipalities which do not have the orange recycling containers
For the collection of heavy cardboard
Cardboard boxes must be flattened before disposal
What goes into the blue bin ?
Paper and light cardboard, like
  • Pizza boxes
  • Cereal boxes
  • Egg cartons
  • Newspapers and papers
  • Paper packaging for sugar and flour
שקופית קודמת
שקופית הבאה
What goes into the blue bin ?
Paper and light cardboard, like
  • Pizza boxes
  • Cereal boxes
  • Egg cartons
  • Newspapers and papers
  • Paper packaging for sugar and flour
What goes into the purple bin?
Glass packaging like:
  • Olive oil bottles
  • Perfume bottles
  • Coffee jars
  • Jam and honey jars
It’s important that the bottles and jars are empty and without lids.
What goes into the green bin?

:General waste (not packages), like
Disposable utensils
Broken toys and objects
Hygiene products
What should go into the Michzurit (recycling container)??
Plastic packaging for cleaning products and beauty products For example, bleach, laundry detergent, shampoo, and more...
* Only for local municipalities which do not have the orange recycling containers
For the collection of heavy cardboard
Cardboard boxes must be flattened before disposal
שקופית קודמת
שקופית הבאה
What goes into the green bin?

:General waste (not packages), like
Disposable utensils
Broken toys and objects
Hygiene products
What should go into the Michzurit (recycling container)??
Plastic packaging for cleaning products and beauty products For example, bleach, laundry detergent, shampoo, and more...
* Only for local municipalities which do not have the orange recycling containers
For the collection of heavy cardboard
Cardboard boxes must be flattened before disposal
What goes into the purple bin?
Glass packaging like:
  • Olive oil bottles
  • Perfume bottles
  • Coffee jars
  • Jam and honey jars
It’s important that the bottles and jars are empty and without lids.
What goes into the blue bin ?
Paper and light cardboard, like
  • Pizza boxes
  • Cereal boxes
  • Egg cartons
  • Newspapers and papers
  • Paper packaging for sugar and flour
שקופית קודמת
שקופית הבאה
For the collection of heavy cardboard
Cardboard boxes must be flattened before disposal
What should go into the Michzurit (recycling container)??
Plastic packaging for cleaning products and beauty products For example, bleach, laundry detergent, shampoo, and more...
* Only for local municipalities which do not have the orange recycling containers
What goes into the green bin?

:General waste (not packages), like
Disposable utensils
Broken toys and objects
Hygiene products
What goes into the purple bin?
Glass packaging like:
  • Olive oil bottles
  • Perfume bottles
  • Coffee jars
  • Jam and honey jars
It’s important that the bottles and jars are empty and without lids.
What goes into the blue bin ?
Paper and light cardboard, like
  • Pizza boxes
  • Cereal boxes
  • Egg cartons
  • Newspapers and papers
  • Paper packaging for sugar and flour
שקופית קודמת
שקופית הבאה
What should go into the Michzurit (recycling container)??
Plastic packaging for cleaning products and beauty products For example, bleach, laundry detergent, shampoo, and more...
* Only for local municipalities which do not have the orange recycling containers
For the collection of heavy cardboard
Cardboard boxes must be flattened before disposal
What goes into the green bin?

:General waste (not packages), like
Disposable utensils
Broken toys and objects
Hygiene products
What goes into the purple bin?
Glass packaging like:
  • Olive oil bottles
  • Perfume bottles
  • Coffee jars
  • Jam and honey jars
It’s important that the bottles and jars are empty and without lids.
What goes into the blue bin ?
Paper and light cardboard, like
  • Pizza boxes
  • Cereal boxes
  • Egg cartons
  • Newspapers and papers
  • Paper packaging for sugar and flour
שקופית קודמת
שקופית הבאה

Types of Orange Containers

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